List of papers published by L. Raimondi in process engineering and flow-assurance simulation.
Raimondi L., 2024, Depressurization Simulation of Methane-hydrogen Mixtures in Pipelines,
Chemical Engineering Transactions, 111, 481-486 DOI:10.3303/CET24111081
Full Text
Raimondi L., 2023, Eunice Foote's Experiments: an Analysis Based on Chemical Engineering,
Chemical Engineering Transactions, xx, ICHEAP16, May 22-24 2023, Naples, Italy
Raimondi L., 2022, CCS Technology - CO2 Transportation and Relief Simulation in the Critical Region for HSE Assesssment,
Chemical Engineering Transactions, 91, ISBN 978-88-95608-89-1; ISSN 2283-9216
Raimondi L., 2022, Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow in Pipes: Slugs, Classical Flow-Map, and 1D Compositional Simulation,
SPE Journal, 27(01):532-551.
Raimondi L., 2020, Simulation of Full-Bore Tube Rupture in Shell&Tube Heat Exchanger,
Chemical Engineering Transactions, 83, ISBN 978-88-95608-81-5; ISSN 2283-9216
L.Raimondi, 2020, Comment on "Three-Phase Equilibrium Computations for Hydrocarbon-Water Mixtures Using a Reduced Variables Method",
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59,3287-3289
L.Raimondi, 2019, Comment on: "Multiphase Equilibrium Calculation Framework for Compositional Simulation of CO2 Injection in Low-Temperature Reservoirs"
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58,12894-12895
L.Raimondi, 2019,"Stratified gas-liquid flow - An analysis of steady state and dynamic simulation for gas-condensate systems", Petroleum, 5, (2019), 128-132 (Open access)
L.Raimondi, 2017,"Compositional Simulation of Two-Phase Flows for Pipeline Depressurization", SPE Journal, 22, 4, August 2017
L.Raimondi, 2017, "Stratified gas-liquid flow. An Analysis of steady-state and dynamic simulation for gas condensate systems", Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plants, Petroleum (open access article)
L.Raimondi, 2017, "Stratified gas-liquid flow. An Analysis of steady-state and dynamic simulation for gas condensate systems", Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plants, Desenzano,Italy
L. Raimondi, 2016, Simulation of Pipeline Depressurization in the Transportation of Oil&Gas with High CO2 and
H2S Content, 2016, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 53, 2016
L. Raimondi, Full Compositional Simulation of Two-Phase Flows, 2014, MFIP13, Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plants
Raimondi L., 2014, CO2 transportation with pipelines - Model analysis for steady, dynamic and relief simulation,
Chemical Engineering Transactions, 36, 619-624,DOI:10.3303/CET1436104
Summary and Presentation
L.Raimondi, Rigorous Simulation of LPG Releases from Accidental Leaks,” - 2012 - Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 26 Part 1, p.63
L.Raimondi, Comment on “Molecular Simulation Prediction of Sound Velocity for a Binary Mixture near Miscible Conditions” - Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2011, 50 (19), pp 11455–11458
L. Raimondi, "Analysis of Equipment Insulation Requirements by Dynamic Simulation" - Dynamic Simulation for Industrial Plants, from Design to Operations, October 26, 2010 - Milan, Italy
L. Raimondi, “Rigorous Calculation of LNG Flow Reliefs using the GERG-2004 Equation of State”, 4th International Conference on Safety & Environment in Process Industry, 14-17 March 2010, Florence, Italy
L. Raimondi, “Critical Approximations in the Calculation of Pressure Relief Valves for Two-Phase Flow”, 11th International Conference on MULTIPHASE FLOW IN INDUSTRIAL PLANT, September 2008
L. Raimondi, “Rigorous Calculation of Critical Flow Conditions for Pressure Safety Devices”, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, July 2007
L. Raimondi, "Una simulazione rigorosa per il dimensionamento delle valvole di sicurezza. ICP – Luglio-Agosto 2004.
L. Raimondi, “Multicomponent Complex Distillation Column Analysis and Optimization through an Extended Ponchon-Savarit Method", ESCAPE-14 (European Seminary on Computer Aided Process Engineering), Lisbon , May 16-19, 2004.
L. Raimondi “Ponchon-Savarit method revisited. An application to multicomponent separations design in distillation columns", Convegno IcheaP-6 - Pisa -9-11/6/2003. Paper and poster
L. Raimondi, "Un programma generalizzato per la simulazione stazionaria della fluidodinamica in sistemi multifase e multicomponenti", Convegno ANIMP su "Impiantistica dei Flussi Multifase Bologna -29-30/10/1988
L. Raimondi, "A modified Redlich-Kwong equation of state for vapour liquid equilibrium calculations", Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 35(1980)